Saturday, October 18, 2008

Steph: Summer pictures

This summer holiday was not any different than all the other holidays. What I mean is that the camera was used as much as always.


Stephanie's hand bag

Stephanie's hippie dress

Sun's retro sunglasses

Stephanie's retro ray ban sunglasses

Sun's belt

Sun's retro shoes





Steph: Autom and winter

One, two, three and the cold winter arrived to Bergen. Not any snow, just rain, rain, rain. With all of this rain, I can’t stop thinking of the summer, with the sun (and of course with you Sun), the travelling and the lazy days.

In my autumn break went to Croatia to visit my family with my dad (who by the way is Croatian) and I have to say, I’ve never been so excited to go to the beach and sunbathing as I was then. Probably because the weather in Norway was so cold and depressing! I spent my first three days in Dubrovnik with my dad. It was so chill, with the sun and with the lovely atmosphere in the old town. After three days we took the airplane to Zagreb (the main capital in Croatia) where my big brother Dino and my baka Ana (Grandmother Ana) were waiting for us with a tons of delicious food and drinks (as always). We spent the rest of the holyday in Zagreb, visiting friends and

Stephanie dining out the first evning.

In Dubrovnik

A cruse boat almost as big as the town

My mafia dad

Stari Grad


New sport stadium they are building on baka Anas old garden

Baka Ana, Dad and me

Drinking coffe at the mall

In the old part of Zagreb

The smalest street in Zagreb

Wednesday, October 15, 2008


Steph, I think it's definetely time we got together again!

there is so much to do, especially if we're going to London this spring;)

And you neeed to post those photos we took this summer!

I'm working on dad letting me move to Bergen next year, but I must admit he seems sceptical...

But just think how much fun it would be if we lived in the same town! We could finally get all our plans going, and instead of burning of all that money on calling each other, we could actually talk face to face:D

I miss you so much Steph, and I should really come visit you sometime before christmas! Maybe we could celebrate new years together this year as well?

until then, enjoy th Young Brother Boys' last song at