Thursday, August 28, 2008

Sun: Why the HELL wasn't I there!?!?!

Just popped in to add a little video of the Kooks playing "Victoria" with Ray Davies....
It kind of hurts to watch as I wasn't there, and might never get the chance to see something like this, but here it goes:
Got damn it!

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Sun:to promote my new blog:D

Just a little note to ptomote my new blog:)
It's called Sunni's Afternoon, and yes, I know it's kind of tacky, but it was there, it was available and it was relevant, and I serioulsy couldn't help it!
but here's the link anyways:
hope you'll visit it sometime!

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Sun: Depressed!

You know when we went to Øya, how our ears would really be ringing when we came home after the concerts, 'cause the silence was...well, too loud?
That's how I feel now!!
Suddenly I'm alone! I'm not about to watch "just one more" episode of Sex and the City, or the Simpsons with you. I'm not about to stand in front of the mirror with you for half an hour, getting ready for bed, and I'm not going to wake up tomorrow and know that you'll be up in about another hour.
Yes, I'm aware that this is starting to sound like a cheezy declaration of love from me to you Steph, so that's why I'm stopping at this;) hehe
Anyway, It's really sad comming home to an almost empty house, with mum and dad out of town, and no one to keep me company.
Tomorrow I'll hopefully meet Maddie and Maggie(Magnus:p) though, so I won't die of lack of social life.
And then, the day after that I'll meet up with Anje, and we'll be getting ready for our first day at Videregående(college/high school).
Can't believe I'm really on my way into a new era now, and starting this Monday!!
Until then I'll just sit back and admire my new clothes:
two pairs of pants, one grey pair with a really high waist, and a white pair, 'cause on the bonus material on the "Quadrophenia" dvd (Yes, I've gone through it...) someone said that White jeans were really Mod...I think.... if not, it doesn't matter 'cause they're still really cool!
I also bought a shirt/blouse. Very nice:p
Starting to notice my typing isn't that good now, 'cause I'm really tired, so I'll leave it at that and say good night for now!

And Steph: You MUST get those pictures we took on here;) Some of them anyway;)

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Sun: Patiently practicing her guitar...

I can't believe it, but I've been in all day!
I've been lying around, surfing on Psycho-Jello(Love it!) and finally gotten around to learn some guitar...
I've actually managed to do Lola almost perfectly:) But there has been a lot of swearing during the process...
Yesterday I went down to Grunerløkka with Maddie to hang around, and I ended up buying this fantastic vintage purse/handbag from the 30's! Plus a couple of earrings.
After that we went up to Maddie's attic to visit her sofa. She found it out on the street, and we're planing to have it in our apartment together.
We also had the pleasure of finding that someone had been smoking weed in her sofa. Very nice.
Anyway, will post some pictures of the sofa and the purse, just not yet:p
Steph will be here about 11:) Back to my guitar now...

Monday, August 4, 2008

Sun: Ray Davies concert!

So, here's something I've been annoyed about for a long time:
Madonna released her new album ages ago now, but still there are lots of posters up everywhere promoting it. (News travels slowly to Norway:p) And I was sitting on the tube just recently, looking up at one of those posters.
Here it its:

So, we all recognize the cover, with her in a sado-like outfit...

I couldn't help thinking: Madonna...You're 50-something! Do you REALLY think the world wants to be staring at your crotch whenever they sit down on a bus,tube train etc.!?
I mean, it's really cool that she can still produce (though crappy) music at her age, but come on!

It's just NOT sexy anymore! I say grow up and make some mature music and album covers. Maybe look back at your previous work, even that was more sensible than this "oh-my-god-I-don't-want-to-get-old"-shit!

Aaanyways... Back to the topic;):

As I've written earlier, I was to to go to a Ray Davies (of the Kinks) concert with my dad on Saturday (2nd).

The concert was held at Notodden Blues Festival (Which is maybe even duller than it sounds...), and when we got there an hour early, some blues/country/rock band was playing.

The place was packed with these really tacky people. Middle-aged men and women dressed as 1999-teenagers, with a beer in one hand and a cowboyhat. So I though: "Well this will be fun..." and waited for the band on stage to finish ruining Hendrix's "Voodoo Child".

I've got to admit, I wasn't expecting much from Ray Davies' performance either, 'cause old pop stars with an ongoing solo-career, have a tendency of beeing grumpy and too caught up with precent projects, but still, I was looking forward to it.

When the band on stage had finished, a lot of the tacky people started leaving, and we got to move closer to the stage. So we waited for another hour, while more and more people arrived.

Then this girl, my age, with spiky black hair and kind of Punk/Rock-like clothes, appeared next to me and started talking to an older guy. I think she had been working in one of the stands there, and was going to check out the concert, cause she had never heard of Ray Davies, or even the Kinks.
And so, negative-me, thought: "If you look like that, and have never heard of the godfathers of punk, you trying to hard to be something you're not..."

And then finally Ray Davies entered the stage.

He looked really good, and started of with "Where Have All The Good Times Gone", which was fantastic!

(The girl next to me, actually reached her hand up in a satan-sign during the song...tacky...)

After that he kept on delivering great Kinks songs, and a couple of his solo songs, which were actually quite good!

He kept making jokes through the whole concert, and during his extra-number, "Low Budget", when the audience was singing along eagerly he said: "You don't even know what that means, I've heard about your oil-money" (or something like that), and they all laughed, 'cause I think they got a little embarassed by it,(I know I was) 'cause he was right.

He sang "Sunny Afternoon", "You Really Got Me", "Dead end Street"(Which I sang along to shamelesly, because of my school performance:p) "All Day and All Of The Night" and many more. He also did the intro to "Lola", but said:"That's old, we won't do that.." And started on another song instead. I was very disappointed, 'cause "Lola" is one of my favourite songs...

Then after the "Low Budget"-extra number, he told us the performance was over and walked of stage with his band. We all thought that was the end, and a lot of people started walking towards the entrance.

But then the whole band came in again, and guess wich song they played??

Of course they played "Lola", which was maybe the best of all the performances!

So the concert really got me out of my "Hope I die before I get old"-attitude, 'cause if I can be as vital and well and sporty when I'm 64, well...I can't wait!

So conclusion is: the concert was definetly worth it, and I'm really sad you weren't there with me Steph! I'm sure you'd enjoy it!

Peace out!

Reports on the concert: (all in Norwegian, sorry) (also gave him a five)