I love England, I really do, but it's been raining and raining and raining! There have been a few glimpses of the sun now and again, but other than that...bluuurgh!
Anyway, We went on the Magical Mystery Tour(bloody tourists we are!) on the 6th. I felt really stupid once we got on the bus, but after a while, I was so carried away, that I didn't mind running up in front of everyone just to take pictures of george Harrison's house:p
Here are some pictures:
These were outside the Hard Days Night Hotel in Liverpool.

So I realise this is kind of tacky, I mean, going for long busrides just to look at the house where someone you've never met once lived?
What can I say, first of all my mother booked us for this trip, and it wasn't all that special, but it was nice going to the cavern club and stuff though:)
I'm really happy I went after all.
So after spending some time in the cavern club etc. we drove our car towards London.
It took us about six hours, and the landscape was beautiful!
Then we arrived at my auntie Chris' house in Custom House not too far from Westham, on the east side of London. My auntie is really nice! Of course she had prepared a huge dinner for us, which I couldn't eat, 'cause I was so tired.
We took the tube down to London city centre and spent some time there... Not too much to talk about, so we'll just jump over to this morning, when we drove off to Dymchurch, where my great grandmother, great grandfather and my aother auntie Yvonne lie buryed.
We're staying at an old inn called "the Ship inn". This used to be a stopover for smugglers and pirates about 200-300 years ago, and I'm positive it's haunted!
I'm actually lying in our hotel room all alone. When I think about it, I'm shit scared right now!
There are so many noises in the house, and you can litterly hear your neighbour fart. Or worse…
There are so many noises in the house, and you can litterly hear your neighbour fart. Or worse…
Tomorrow we'll be going to Brighton! I can't wait!
I'm working on your gift Steph!! Already done with the Beatles part, although I'm not sure I'm that happy with it, but I'm working on it;)
So I'll update tomorrow when we arrive in Brighton:)
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