Sunday, July 27, 2008

Sun: Roadtrip!

I've just come home from the longest roadtrip I've ever been on!

First it was all the driving in England (Liverpool-London-Dymchurch-Brighton-Lewes-London), and then when I came home I went for a little drove with my whole family and Maddie(Sandefjord-Kristiandsand-Stavanger-Bergen)

So Maddie and I (and my whole family) drove for about 3 hours to "Kristiansand dyrepark" (zoo) where we got to meet Kaptein Sabeltann(Captain Sabletooth) and Kasper and Jesper and Jonatan (from a Norwegian childrens book) and, well, we had a swell time! After that we stayed in a camping site with a BUNCH of tourists staying there as well:p

That's Kaptein Sabeltann's friend Langemann (Longman:p), our secret crush:p

This is Jesper and Jonatan, two out of three notorious villains in Kardemommeby:p The two guys insisted on taking their picture with us. here with Madeleine.

Nice chaps eh?

At the Amusement park.

The next day we drove for another four hours to Stavanger, where my aunt Birgit lives. It was really nice, and Maddie and I watched VH1 Old School the whole evening while babysitting.
Early the next morning my little brother (bless his soul...) woke me up by sqeezing a rubber tarantella in my face. I screamed louder than I've ever screamed at nine am! Then I saw my dad standing there with a bloody camera laughing his head of.

Ola misses you aight!

Anyway, we arrived at Raknes where my father's family comes from, later that evening, and went out in the boat. It was pouring with rain, and I got to steer the boat:D I'm really good at it now!

I'm going to jump to the next morning when Maddie and I went for a long walk up Tirevoldsfjellet. It took us about three hours more than expected, and I totally lost our way in the end, but finally we came out somewhere that I recognised:p We ended up spending an hour just picking blueberries, and then we got an angry call from dad asking where the hell we'd gone off to. But we sorted it out, and dad wasn't angry with me for too long:p

Very much in fashion.

I think it was the day after that we went to bergen and hung around with Magnus and his friends.

It was really nice, and we were aquainted with an old man who calls himself The King, and is really in to Rock 'n Roll, and claims he knew John Lennon, and that Lennon himself played with him in Berlin in his confirmation suit. I was on the verge of believing him, until he started talking about God and Jesus and asked us to name one of the big Rock 'n Roll stars that didn't belive in the Lord... I suggested John Lennon, whom he claimed to know so well, but he just ignored me.

Another thing he told us is that he once threw Keith Richards in the showers... I wouldn't blame him if it was true, I think he'd need one.

One of the next days I took the boat with Maddie and my ten-year-old cousin Mathias, and we drove(?) over to Hosanger to collect my jeans and shoes at Steph's place (thank you by the way). we also popped by Magnus' place.

After that I lost my Ray Bans in the water, but managed to get them up again later that evening:p.

we went home to prepare for the big "Løefest"(Barn party...yes...) witch was quite nice. We had a great time, and Magnus brought his friend Sigbjørn and his brother Åsmund.
On our way to the beach;) And Steph, you're familiar with the games:p

Don't ask...

I swear this was part of the games!

See, this was really nice, except Magnus (who's supposed to be the guitar genius in my life) could hardly play any of the songs I could sing!
"I only know the songs of my own band!" he kept saying... what a hunk, huh?

Anyway, we got to slightly hum our way through Cream's "White Room", and sing "With a Little Help From My Friends", "House of the Rising Sun" and a couple of other songs.

I'll make a song book with guitar chords 'till next time!

I'll make a big leap in time, about a week, to the big mountain walk I went on yesterday.

Once again we drove for a while to Sogn og Fjordane, where my stepmother's family comes from.

Here are some pictures from the trip:

"Jesus sees all" -Well, why doesn't he do something about it then?

My brothers posing for the camera...

so I'm exhausted today, wondering if I should go out in the boiling-like weather (27 degrees celsius, and yes, I know it might not be much for the rest of the world, but for little Norway it's a lot), or just stay in... I think I'll stay in...wait 'till I get some answers from my friends, and maybe watch a video with someone... We'll see.

Toodles for now, and I'll be back with some more interesting things to talk about next time;)


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