Monday, June 30, 2008

Sun: F*** Norwegian summer!

Haha, I know how you feel honey... It was pouring with rain all last week! But it's actually been quite sunny the last couple of days:D Speaking of boredom, I've been babysitting everyday since last saturday, and I'm getting quite fed up with babies (Who woulde ever have imagined me saying that!) It's alright though... The baby's asleep, and when he wakes up, I'm going to take him out in the garden and I'll be sunbathing in my bikini top, while he plays in the grass:) And I'm getting a sht load of money for this so...

Speaking of whitch.... We've got to make our London trip happen!! I'll have earned so much money by then, I'll be buying off all of London! I think dad is a bit disapointed that I said I would go with mum, and not him, but I'll tell him he can come if mum can't go with us;) hehe, I've been quite mean to my poor old dad lately... I just deleted him from Facebook as well, and told him I didn't want him to edit the videos from our early school days:p He was a little hurt I think, but I've made it up to him by beeing a real father-fan and watched "70-talls kammeratene" on youtube:) And I'm going to the Ray Davies concert with him so... What can I say?? Very good daughter:D

Hey, why don't we invite Oda over for a couple of days while we're in Oslo? I really miss beeing with the two of you, and I haven't seen her since my birthday party! ( birthday party...memories... haha) She'll be moving to Oslo when school starts though, so at least I have one of ya with me!!

Loved the pictures you took! You're such a photographer! They're a tad better than my amateur photos... And yes, we do need to make a feather hat! Let's just call it that:) It can be a Balkan Boys Special! 

Other than that, I'm just sitting in here sulking over the unpredictable weather this country brings us... What happened to the frightenly warm spring we had? I guess we'll just have to take it as a consequence of the global warming... And I who thought we would have lots of sun and stuff! I actually bought a green shopping bag at Kiwi yesterday, so now we don't have to use plastic ones:) But there's still a lot I can do tohelp the enviroment, this is just the start...             Anyways... Hows that for inspiration??? Baby's still asleep, so I'll continue to watch videos on youtube:)


Sunday, June 29, 2008

Steph: Random summer days

I agree with you sunny baby! the most annoying thing is when Norwegian people complain about the norwegian state/goverment.. (not going to say who) But back to fachion!

If the Native American style comes back i am sure that you Sun are the only one who would look good in feathers.. Maby we should make a Native American hat with feathers nex time we meet..
Yesterday i had a realy booring day. I woke up and found out that it was raining!! so insted of being outside i ended up on the couch as usual. Afther a while on the green couch i when to the factory to work. (i work two - three hours every weekend and in the summer holyday i work sometimes in the weekdays to) on the way to the factory i made some pictures in the rain.

Afther work i whent home and on the way i picked blueberrys, and they tasted good!

In the evening my cousin Sigrid and my friend Mariann came to my place to hang out with me. Marianne brought with her cousin from west side Oslo ore something like that.. Me and Sun are actually not so fond of her;) but she was not so bad yesterday..

When it started to get late Marianne and her cousin Vilde whent home and me and Sigrid when to visit a Hippie, Finn. But when the clock passed 3 in the night we whent home to my place and whent to bed;)

next morning/today. I just woke up, whent to work, whent to sigrid, whent home again and then my mom came home from Sweden (she's been ther for two nights)
And now i am going to bed!!!

I miss u verry much Sun!! Especially today. Because i actually had planes with my boyfriend Simon, but he stud me up so i had a boooooring day, and you are good to make boring Fun!!

Sun in her right element

Sun is bored to death!

Waiting for my friends to come over!!!
Anje, Maddie and I are going to watch the European Cup Final between Spain and Germany, but until then I' just sitting here watching a romantic comedy of some kind... don't really know if I like it... It's about this girl being humiliated in high school by the coolest boy at school...yadda yadda...they meet ten years later....yadda yadda...he falls in love with her....she decides to have her revenge... ends up getting real feelings for him...GAD!
I saw What Happens in Vegas last night with Maria, and it sucked! It was so full of clichès, it was ridiculous! I had to hide my face so the person next to me wouldn't see me laughing, 'cause she seemed to like the movie, and was really annoyed by my comments.
Well...still really bored, so I'll post some photos I've taken the last days:D
A couple of pictures as a result of complete boredom at school...
The picture of the fat girl is something I drew on my desk and couldn't get of:p And the rest...well, I'd really like to be able to make a logo, but I'm hopeless at these things!

My favourite bag!!! It was what us Norwegians call an impulse buy,It only cost me 450kr (45£)
And I got the blonde for only another 1£!
sorry, this is Maddie;) We're going on a road trip this summer! With my whole family though, but it'll be fuuun:)

Friday, June 27, 2008

Sun's moderate shopping:)

I've been broke for ever now, because I haven't been paid yet by my job...
but then I got about 300kr(30£ and about 59$) and went out to buy me some Kooks:) I bought both inside in/inside out and Konk.
But before that, my two friends Anje and Isa(who are twins btw) and I went in to this book shop, and I found a book called "60's Fashion: vintage fashion and beauty ads", whitch I think you can buy on Amazon as well, by Taschen. It's really a cool book! It's got lots of old sixties fashion and bauty ads!
I've scanned some:

This Must be the ugliest pair of Ray Bans I've ever seen! Ad from 1960

Now what would I do without a Self-Sharpening Eybrowpencil!? Why dont they have things like that anymore! Or a Eye Shadow Stick! ad from 1960.

Now this is my favourite... hahaha! ad from 1967

I like this, talking about how people have different bodies... in 1969

"Hello Gentlemen. Do you think it is possible to pull these shorts a little higher up? I'm starting to enjoy the feeling of sharkskin up my arse." ad from 1966

Well, this is even worse... ad for Healthknit in 1962

Well, this is just 'cause it actually worked! haha! ad from 1966.

Other than that, I really, really miss you Steph! Get your arse over here!! I'll be leaving for England to see my family on the fourth, but we'll figure something out near the end of the summer hols:)
I'm not really inspired today(haha) I'm just adding some cd's on to my fathers Mac, 'cause my stupid computer is broken so....
And watching the Kooks live from Hove, where my father wouldn't let meg go... Just crying a little, no biggie:p

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Sun: Rebels

Steph! You have such a great taste!!!
I can't wait either! I'm working on a map to use around Oslo, with all the best indie/mod/hippie/altenative shops:)

So here's what I've been thinking about the last few days:
I know I'm a bit late at this, but some time ago, a norwegian music programme called "Lydverket" aired an interview with Pete Townsend(of the Who) where he's talking about so-called rebels in music theese days. It's very interesting, and I actually agree with what he says:
"I like to feel that if someone is using agression or is rebelliant- If there isn't an intelectual or an intelligent position, at least there should be irony, poetry and heart. And every artist should have some kind of passion rather than just wanting to be famous and make a lot of noise."

But it probably was a lot easier to be a rebel in the Who's time. I mean, what do we have to rebel against? I surely don't have much! My dad was a punk when he was young, my mother was...well, hippie/softpunk, and I've never had to worry about beeing accepted as who I am.
I mean, come on mum and dad! Give me some challenge! I suppose the only thing I could do to really piss my parents of, is to become a member of some conservative party, and buy a big villa with three private beaches etc. You know, something that makes me really posh and discusting.When I think about it... They'd still accept me... So, I don't really have much to complain about, but to get back to my point:
It's really hard for artists today to have something to rebel against, 'cause you instictively think about something that bothers you, and since many of the western artists are more into getting high and flashing their privates, they forget that you actually can rebel against (or make songs about, if you like) things that don't neceserily affect you.
Now, I can only speak for Norway, but it's not like we can sing: "fuck the government" with good reason. We don't really have that big issues(in Norway). I'll get back to that later, 'cause that actually takes a whole post:p
I was talking about the hippie style and all that in the first post, and I just need to talk about the whole native american style! I was totally obsessed with it last summer, but I never really got any chance to let the obsession out on my closet. But then in january(saturday the 19th to be more spesific) I bought my first pair of moccasins! I adore them! of course I've worn them out, since I've been using them non stop for six months, so I need to buy a new pair.
Native American is so in! haha!
I mean get a load of Micky Dolenz(of the Monkees) at the Monterey Pop Festival in 1967!

What do you call the piece on his head? I want one!!
Btw, I think only the only other person to carry a white boy's afro as good as Dolenz, is Adam Brody...
But that's not the topic. I really dig this style, and hope it never gets commercialized. There's no fun in it then:p
At least I know what I'll be wearing this summer: Beads, feathers, moccasins and hairbands!!

Piss Out!


Wednesday, June 25, 2008

well, well.. I tought I should try to write at least one post on english, but if this don't work out for me, I'll jump straight back to good old nynorsk!

Yesterday I was shopping in Bergen. I was actually looking for some slim fit pants, but after trying on at least 10 pairs, I found the perfect one! ...... But... I couldn't button up the trousers. so no pants for me that day..

But i bought the sweetest skirt and a very very cute t-shirt!!!

The t-shirt was white and as you can see it had lace everywhere and four cute buttons in the neck.

And the skirt was black with white polkadots and had a very narrow waist

think that the reason I loved the shirt so much is that it reminded me of the most beutiful dress in the world. I saw it in a magazine, and havent realy been able to get it of my mind since..

The girl who wears the dress is Peaches Geldof and the Boy is her boyfriend Farrs Rotter from the punk band The Horrors..
I also want a boyfriend who wants to match clothes with me! Then I wouldn't do anything else than go shopping with him.

But If you ever see a dress and a purse like that you seriusly have to contact me!

it's only 20 days until i leave for my hollyday to my other home land Croatia.. so i needes some sandals, i ended up with a pair of cute light brown sandals and a pair of allstar converse for my Boyfriend Simon.

Afther shopping i whent to the record store and looked for some good nice price CD's. Almost everything was sold out, eksept The Shins!

so when i whent home i had a skirt, a shirt, two pare of shoes and the Shins.. Not the best Shopping day. i can't wait to go shopping with you Sun in Oslo!

Tuesday, June 24, 2008


Thank you Sun for the two bloggs you have posted today! actually the reason i did not respons before now is because i am sitting at home with my friend Kari and watching Across The Universe! the scene when they sing "Let it Be" is just over.. i can't stop the tears when the "Afro American" Lady sings the last refrain...

I just love it!!!!!

Men no er eg ferdig med min engelske del.. eg er ikkje så flink til å formulere mine meiningar når eg skal tenkje på rett skriving;) men eg kan ta min del på god gamaldags nynorsk!

Sun: Movies,Movies,Movies....

Tv3 aired "A tale of two Springfields" yesterday, witch is a Simpson episode featuring the Who, and I missed it!! I've sort of been waiting a long time to catch it again, cause I really neeeed to see it, no matter how much it might suck. But I'll just have to wait another three or four or five months:p Anyway, I made it up to myself by listening to "Tommy"(album by the Who) on my way home from YuLai's movie night(?), and realised that I'd forgotten how good some of those songs really are! I've seen the movie a duzzen times, and it's fine,just a little cheesy here and there.

As I said, yesterday was movie night at YuLai's place, and YuLai, Anje,Ingeborg, Natalie, Natalie's boyfriend and I watched "Million Dollar Baby".
Very,very sad film, and well made, though there's a bit too much physical damage at times.

THEN when I came home, I watched second half of "Tenacious D". Hysterical! I laughed all the way through it. Love the scene where JB eats the mushrooms... hahahah

Today I gathered some friends(Ingeborg, Maddie, YuLai, Anje, Klara and Maddie's friend Henriette) and we all went to see "21" with Jim Sturgess who is very nice (Right YuLai?).

So I've had quite a movie weekend, exept that it's not the weekend:p It's our summer holiday:D:D

Moving on...

I HAVE to show you the cool lamp YuLai has!
It's sort of shaped as a paperbag, and all though it doesn't give much light, I'd sure take that with me on a desserted island... It's enough just looking at it, I can't get enough:p

I have a slight feeling I'm gonna be a tad more eager about blogg posting than Steph, but that's ok, cause I usually do the talking. Steph just sits and pretends to listen while we watch Greys Anatomy or Sex and the City:)

So, 'till nest time...


Monday, June 23, 2008

Sun: First Post!

Ok, so this is my first post....
Steph told me to talk about music, fashion and our brand "the Balkan Boys".
We pretty much use that name for everything...
The reason for our name, the Balkan Boys, is that Steph is half Croatian and we originally came up with the idea when we were planning a fictive band.
Anyway... We'll be using this blog not only to speak to you, but to each other.
This way, we can share our music, fashion finds and so on... Pretty much your average blog:)

So... A little fashion:
It seems like the hippie, indian, native american style is back in lately, and I couldn't be happier! I've been talking about this since last summer, and this spring I was a little annoyed that it came so late, because of my recent facination with the Who, and therefore the Mod style.
But I've actually been quite inspired the last weeks, 'cause the weather has been great and I've felt more like wearing beads and flowing, colourful clothes.
I think the whole Mod revilal will really kick in towards autumn. People are more gloomy and feel like wearing darker clothes in the autumn and winter.
Not sayng that the Mods were gloomy and dark, just that I feel the style is more fit for a colder time of the year with the parkas and shirts and cardigans.
I'm not really that inspired today, so this is a bad first try, but I will update tomorrow;)

Piss out!