Thursday, June 26, 2008

Sun: Rebels

Steph! You have such a great taste!!!
I can't wait either! I'm working on a map to use around Oslo, with all the best indie/mod/hippie/altenative shops:)

So here's what I've been thinking about the last few days:
I know I'm a bit late at this, but some time ago, a norwegian music programme called "Lydverket" aired an interview with Pete Townsend(of the Who) where he's talking about so-called rebels in music theese days. It's very interesting, and I actually agree with what he says:
"I like to feel that if someone is using agression or is rebelliant- If there isn't an intelectual or an intelligent position, at least there should be irony, poetry and heart. And every artist should have some kind of passion rather than just wanting to be famous and make a lot of noise."

But it probably was a lot easier to be a rebel in the Who's time. I mean, what do we have to rebel against? I surely don't have much! My dad was a punk when he was young, my mother was...well, hippie/softpunk, and I've never had to worry about beeing accepted as who I am.
I mean, come on mum and dad! Give me some challenge! I suppose the only thing I could do to really piss my parents of, is to become a member of some conservative party, and buy a big villa with three private beaches etc. You know, something that makes me really posh and discusting.When I think about it... They'd still accept me... So, I don't really have much to complain about, but to get back to my point:
It's really hard for artists today to have something to rebel against, 'cause you instictively think about something that bothers you, and since many of the western artists are more into getting high and flashing their privates, they forget that you actually can rebel against (or make songs about, if you like) things that don't neceserily affect you.
Now, I can only speak for Norway, but it's not like we can sing: "fuck the government" with good reason. We don't really have that big issues(in Norway). I'll get back to that later, 'cause that actually takes a whole post:p
I was talking about the hippie style and all that in the first post, and I just need to talk about the whole native american style! I was totally obsessed with it last summer, but I never really got any chance to let the obsession out on my closet. But then in january(saturday the 19th to be more spesific) I bought my first pair of moccasins! I adore them! of course I've worn them out, since I've been using them non stop for six months, so I need to buy a new pair.
Native American is so in! haha!
I mean get a load of Micky Dolenz(of the Monkees) at the Monterey Pop Festival in 1967!

What do you call the piece on his head? I want one!!
Btw, I think only the only other person to carry a white boy's afro as good as Dolenz, is Adam Brody...
But that's not the topic. I really dig this style, and hope it never gets commercialized. There's no fun in it then:p
At least I know what I'll be wearing this summer: Beads, feathers, moccasins and hairbands!!

Piss Out!


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