Sunday, June 29, 2008

Steph: Random summer days

I agree with you sunny baby! the most annoying thing is when Norwegian people complain about the norwegian state/goverment.. (not going to say who) But back to fachion!

If the Native American style comes back i am sure that you Sun are the only one who would look good in feathers.. Maby we should make a Native American hat with feathers nex time we meet..
Yesterday i had a realy booring day. I woke up and found out that it was raining!! so insted of being outside i ended up on the couch as usual. Afther a while on the green couch i when to the factory to work. (i work two - three hours every weekend and in the summer holyday i work sometimes in the weekdays to) on the way to the factory i made some pictures in the rain.

Afther work i whent home and on the way i picked blueberrys, and they tasted good!

In the evening my cousin Sigrid and my friend Mariann came to my place to hang out with me. Marianne brought with her cousin from west side Oslo ore something like that.. Me and Sun are actually not so fond of her;) but she was not so bad yesterday..

When it started to get late Marianne and her cousin Vilde whent home and me and Sigrid when to visit a Hippie, Finn. But when the clock passed 3 in the night we whent home to my place and whent to bed;)

next morning/today. I just woke up, whent to work, whent to sigrid, whent home again and then my mom came home from Sweden (she's been ther for two nights)
And now i am going to bed!!!

I miss u verry much Sun!! Especially today. Because i actually had planes with my boyfriend Simon, but he stud me up so i had a boooooring day, and you are good to make boring Fun!!

Sun in her right element

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